Project Services

Project Management
Project Recovery
Program Management
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Nowadays, large companies in particular have to conduct a great number of parallel yet interconnected projects in order to fulfil the requirements of organisational transformation.

While successful project management already puts considerable demands on managers, the challenges are much greater in the case of multi-project environments. These are characterised by more complex and at the same time independently fluctuating requirements on resources, and by higher information density and opaqueness leading to either excess or deficit of contents and consequently exacting high demands on communication and controlling.

Our programme management services feature the following elements:

  • Review of sub-project interaction, target-optimised application of funds, project selection and prioritisation

  • Identification of redundant or missing project segments or synergies

  • Development of efficient reporting and programme controlling

  • Pro-active management of resource deficits

  • Communication and change management

  • Continuous risk management

  • Setup and continuous supervision of quality management

  • Creation of transparency for top management

- An investment that pays its way.

EMCG The European Management Consulting Group GmbH
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